4 Goals You Can Achieve Before 2021 Ends

2 min readJul 24, 2021

It’s a few months till the end of 2021. But it’s never too late for a few reachable goals.

“Chance favors the prepared mind, and opportunity favors the bold.” — Louis Pasteur.

Achieving financial set goals needs a little more than just luck. Achieving goals requires repeated sacrifice, which needs a lot of discipline and determination.

Here are some quick financial goals that you can achieve before the year is over:

  1. Read a few financial articles that focus on your goals

Knowledge is true power. You can make this a short-term goal, the more goals you achieve the more motivated you are to conquer the rest.

Remember to only focus on one article at a time. If time is a challenge listing to podcasts as you go about your day is a great alternative.

2. Create and stick to a budget

As you budget you get to be in 100% control of your money. You’ll notice your weakest spending habits especially since the festive season is nearing, that will motivate you to strengthen it.

You’ll also be able to track your financial goals. There are a few great apps available for both Android and iPhone to help you track your expenses.

3. Build an emergency fund

Money goals can be exciting but won’t be worth anything unless you first set aside funds in case of an emergency. This fund will come through for you come January 2022.

We can’t control everything in life but at least we have the will to control our finances.

4. Spend less

Most people live beyond their means, this means that they spend more money than they make every month.

The commitment to live beyond your means is not easy, you have to learn how to resist the temptations to overextend your expenses.

The key is to be content. Buy only what you can afford.

If you know someone who’s trying to set or achieve their goals share this article with them and be a great friend!

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Lupiya is an award-winning fintech startup operating in Zambia